Journey Together, Illuminate From Within

Art of the Seer Academy

Virtual learning experiences designed to help one establish and maintain a personal practice in embodiment meditation, psychic energy healing, spiritual energy management, Clairvoyance, Mediumship, and Intuitive Development.

what you can expect

Think of your consciousness as a muscle—strengthen your spiritual and intuitive abilities to transform your life, empower others, and inspire change. We guide energy-sensitive individuals to develop their innate skills in seeing, sensing, and knowing, all in a safe, supportive space.

🧗 Go at Your Own Pace

Membership is free! Explore at your speed with flexible options: on-demand content, live group classes, one-to-one coaching, and in-person experiences. No commitments—join when you're ready!

🧘 Unique Opportunities

Drop into weekly classes, workshops, or immersive trainings. Experience readings and healings from members as they grow—benefit from the collective journey of our community.

🤩 Geek Out with Us

We’re passionate vibe nerds who love creating magical, transformative experiences together. Tried other practices or teachers? Great! All paths are welcome here.

"Sometimes our spiritual programs take us far away from our inner belonging. We become addicted to the methods and programs of psychology and religion. We become so desperate to learn how to be, that our lives pass, and we neglect the practice of being."
— John O'Donohue

ready for a UNIQUE experience?

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    Art of the Seer Academy
    200 E. Illinois Street, Chicago IL 60611